No more sleepless night because of working on your Mac!


Scientific study shows that prolong period of exposing to blue light will make us sleepless, and when we are working with our laptop at night, there are many blue light entering our eyes from the laptop screen. That's why it's harder to fall asleep when you work with your computer at night.

So what could we do about it? I found f.lux: software to make your life better which is a software for MacOS (or OSX) that can solve the problem by adjusting the screen color tempurature depending on the time of day in your location.

Give it a try and tell me does it work on you! I have installed it and using it now!
No more sleepless night because of working on your Mac! No more sleepless night because of working on your Mac! Reviewed by DF on 9:15:00 PM Rating: 5
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