How to change photo create date back to exif create date, esp. when export from Photo App in Mac OS


Lately I need to touch up photo in the Photo App on my Mac. Yet, after I export the edited photos, I found that all the create date became the date I export the photo instead of the date I took the photo. After some googling and I found a free tool call exiftool which can help change the create date to the create date in exif. The instructions are as follow

1. download exiftool from , I got the mac package which is a dmg file
2. go to the folder where you have export the photos from Photo App
3. right click the folder and choose "New Terminal at Folder"
4. Type/Copy and Paste the line below to the terminal and hit enter and wait the prompt to tell the process finished

exiftool -r '-FileModifyDate<DateTimeOriginal' * 

How to change photo create date back to exif create date, esp. when export from Photo App in Mac OS How to change photo create date back to exif create date, esp. when export from Photo App in Mac OS Reviewed by DF on 8:27:00 AM Rating: 5
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