How to improve mobile web app performance by reducing reflow in DOM

I learned about some tricks to make a mobile web app to "look" faster. The keys are to  reduce the "Cost a reflow" and to reduce the "number of reflows" in the DOM. It is about the way to write the HTML code within the DOM to reduce the "Cost a reflow" and the way to write javascript code to reduce reflow times.

Reduce the "Cost a reflow":
  • use shorter html tag. Despite there are <section> or <article> tag in html5, <div> is shorter and without any class attribute attached to it, it will put less cost on reflowing a DOM.
  • remove useless <a> tag. Instead of using <a> tag, you can try to use 'ontouchstart' or 'onclick' event on the <li>, <div> or <img> so that you can reduce one html element
  • for simple table view, you can use <li> instead of <table> to reduce html element and shorter html code
  • put attribute or class directly to the <html> or <body> element instead of making a <div> to wrap all elements within <body>
Reduce the "number of reflows":
  • change all CSS of an element in javascript in one go, not making seperate javascript statement for each CSS properties, as each statement will trigger a reflow. Make use of  '' to change all CSS properties at a time. Or put CSS properties in a class, so by adding or removing a class, only one reflow is triggered
  • To modify an element in DOM, better use this strategy
    1. deep clone the element (clone all the attached event as well, reference : jQuery .clone() )
    2. make changes to the clone
    3. replace the changed clone with the original element
  • Experiments shows that using the above strategy in Safari / mobile Safari is better than
    1. hide the element
    2. make the changes in the element
    3. show the element again
  • Use Client side template engine if there is repeated html structure with dynamic data in your view.

Reference : The Cost of Reflows on a Web App: Float Mobile Learning
How to improve mobile web app performance by reducing reflow in DOM How to improve mobile web app performance by reducing reflow in DOM Reviewed by DF on 8:27:00 PM Rating: 5
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