Painlessly replace SVN with Git with the Gitflow Workflow

I bet you have heard about Git for sometime. Yet when you really using it, you will find it is so powerful and flexible that seemingly different person will have different ways of achieving similar result. But for a typical software development flow, it is pretty standard. And the flexibility of Git (lack of a standard workflow of using Git) make it an obstacle for some people to adapt using Git.

There have been lots of "best practice" on using Git, yet lately I found a well documented way  which is called "GitFlow" workflow. I am currently using it for my projects and happy about it, thus I would like to introduce it to you as well.
The Gitflow Workflow defines a strict branching model designed around the project release. While somewhat more complicated than the Feature Branch Workflow, this provides a robust framework for managing larger projects.
How It Works

The Gitflow Workflow still uses a central repository as the communication hub for all developers. And, as in the other workflows, developers work locally and push branches to the central repo. The only difference is the branch structure of the project.

Please refer here for details :
Painlessly replace SVN with Git with the Gitflow Workflow Painlessly replace SVN with Git with the Gitflow Workflow Reviewed by DF on 1:14:00 AM Rating: 5
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